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Re: (no subject)

That is because this file is also gzipped.  Rename the file
ns-allinone-21b5a_tar.tar.gz (e.g. mv ns-allinone-21b5a_tar.tar
ns-allinone-21b5a_tar.tar.gz) and type the following:
gunzip -c ns-allinone-21b5a_tar.tar.gz | tar xvf -
This will first unzip it and then untar it.  You can also gunzip it and then
untar it separately.
In the future, when you download from Netscape click it with the right mouse
button and select "Save Link As..." instead of clicking it with the left
mouse button and selecting the "Save it to disk" option.  This will preserve
the extension.

----- Original Message -----
From: Hans Bendik Jahren <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 3:03 AM
Subject: (no subject)

> Hello everyone
> I have down loded ns-allinone-21b5a_tar.tar. When I wnat to open the
> file I get this massege:
> tar:checksum error. I have tried many times now with out any results.
> Where do you think the problem is?
> Please send your answer to this adress: [email protected]
> Thank you.