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bug in ns-trace.tcl (gen-map)

I don't know why this happens, the code in the latest version of
ns has some strange modifications, here is one of them:

in /tcl/lib/ns-trace.lib, for instproc gen-map(), in old version:

Simulator instproc gen-map {} {
        # Did you ever see such uglier code? duh?

        $self instvar Node_ link_

        set nn [Node set nn_]
        for {set i 0} {$i < $nn} {incr i} {
                set n $Node_($i)
                puts "Node [$n tn]"

Make sense to me., but in the new version becomes:

Simulator instproc gen-map {} {
        # Did you ever see such uglier code? duh?

        $self instvar Node_ link_ MobileNode_

        set nn [Node set nn_]
        for {set i 0} {$i < $nn} {incr i} {
                if ![info exists Node($i)] {
                                ~~~~~this is obviously wrong
                        incr i
                puts "Node [$n tn]"
                           ~~~ where does this $n come from?

And this difference is not reflected in the CVS record, what happened?

P.S. Thanks to Alton Yu pointing out that "gen-map" is also dead in new
version NS. I bet there must be similar problems in DV routing codes.