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[Q] xgraph color setting

I hope set the color of data at my own will.

According to xgraph manual, 

       Some options can only be specified in the X defaults  file
       or in the data files.  These options are described below:

              Specifies the color for a data set.  Eight indepen-
              dent colors can be  specified.   Thus,   the  digit
              should  be  between '0' and '7'.  If there are more
              than eight data sets,  the colors will  repeat  but
              with a new line style (see below).

So my xgraph data file has following content :

"Loss R6"
1 0
1.1000000000000001 0
1.2000000000000002 0
1.3000000000000003 0

But this produces an error message :
Error in file `1_LS_R6.tr' at line 2:
  Cannot read second coordinate
Problems found with input data.

Beside 1.Color, <1>.Color, [1].Color, 1.Blue, <1>.Blue don't work either.
How can I set the color ?