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[Fwd: where is the code for Source/FTP?]

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Hi Tarik,

Below is the output. I tried this before, but according to this there is no FTP instead MFTP.

Thanks anyway, cheers...

bisthy30-30> grep FTP *.cc 
mftp.cc:// This file contains functionality common to both MFTP sender and receivers.
mftp.cc:MFTPAgent::MFTPAgent() :
mftp.cc:    Agent(PT_MFTP), FileSize(0), FileDGrams(0),
mftp.cc:int MFTPAgent::init()
mftp_rcv.cc:// This file contains functionality specific to an MFTP receiver.
mftp_rcv.cc:static class MFTPRcvAgentClass : public TclClass {
mftp_rcv.cc:        MFTPRcvAgentClass() : TclClass("Agent/MFTP/Rcv") {}
mftp_rcv.cc:            return (new MFTPRcvAgent());
mftp_rcv.cc:    : MFTPAgent(),
mftp_rcv.cc:int MFTPRcvAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
mftp_rcv.cc:void MFTPRcvAgent::recv(Packet* p, Handler* h)
mftp_rcv.cc:        fprintf(stderr, "%s: send not allowed with Agent/MFTP/Rcv\n", name_);
mftp_rcv.cc:void MFTPRcvAgent::init()
mftp_rcv.cc:    MFTPAgent::init();
mftp_rcv.cc:void MFTPRcvAgent::recv_status_req(hdr_mftp::Spec::StatReq& statreq)
mftp_rcv.cc:void MFTPRcvAgent::send_nak(unsigned long pass_nb, unsigned long block_nb)
mftp_rcv.cc:int MFTPRcvAgent::process_packet(CW_PATTERN_t cw_pat,
mftp_rcv.cc:int MFTPRcvAgent::findStoreLocation(unsigned long group_nb, unsigned long seek_offset, 
unsigned long* dtu_nb)
mftp_rcv.cc:void MFTPRcvAgent::cw_matrixlines_reset()
mftp_rcv.cc:bool MFTPRcvAgent::is_group_full(unsigned long group_nb)
mftp_rcv.cc:int MFTPRcvAgent::recv_data(hdr_mftp::Spec::Data& data)
mftp_snd.cc:// This file contains functionality specific to the MFTP sender.
mftp_snd.cc:static class MFTPSndAgentClass : public TclClass {
mftp_snd.cc:    MFTPSndAgentClass() : TclClass("Agent/MFTP/Snd") {}
mftp_snd.cc:        return (new MFTPSndAgent());
mftp_snd.cc:static class MFTPHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass {
mftp_snd.cc:    MFTPHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeader/MFTP",
mftp_snd.cc:    : MFTPAgent(),
mftp_snd.cc:int MFTPSndAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
mftp_snd.cc:        if(MFTPAgent::init() == TCL_ERROR) {
mftp_snd.cc:void MFTPSndAgent::recv(Packet* p, Handler* h)
mftp_snd.cc:void MFTPSndAgent::send_status_request(unsigned long pass_nb,
mftp_snd.cc:void MFTPSndAgent::process_nak(hdr_mftp::Spec::Nak& nak,
mftp_snd.cc:void MFTPSndAgent::init_user_file(unsigned long readAheadBufsize)
mftp_snd.cc:void MFTPSndAgent::fill_read_ahead_buf()
mftp_snd.cc:int MFTPSndAgent::send_data()
trace.cc:       else if (t == PT_TCP || t == PT_ACK || t == PT_HTTP || t == PT_FTP ||


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