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Re: ping.cc
Dear ns-users,
I have to write again about the ping in Marc Greis tutorial.
> >Thanks for pointing out the bug in tutorial. the example and the
> >tutorial chapter has been revised.
Does anybody tried (except James Scott) to use ping with the recommended
change in ping.cc ( from hdrip->src_ to hdrip->src_.addr_ )?
Today I have downloaded the latest version of ns-2
(ns-allinone-2.1b5a.tar.gz) from
http://www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/dist/vint/ and have installed it again on
Solaris 7. The installation and validation was without problems (validate
overall report: all tests passed).
Then I added the ping functionality by the tutorial on
The ping protocol is working. With the change of hdrip->src_ to
hdrip->src_.addr_ the compilation goes to error.
Any idea?
Thank you,
Ivan Fellner