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Question on Queue class

I have one question on how packets cross queues in FQ (Perhaps my
question will be unclear as I miss something).

FQ is Queue that create a droptail queue for each new flowid (I call a
droptail queue
a virtual queue).
The target of the FQ queue is a Delaylink and I understand that a packet
leaves (deque) the
FQ queue when the queue is unblocked according to the delay and
bandwidth specified in the
instance of DelayLink.
However, I do not understand according to what a virtual queue can deque
a packet, as
the target of the virtual queue is the FQ queue.

My corrolary question is, if the virtual queues deque packets faster
than the FQ queue,
the FQ queue must bufferized packet. Therefore the number of packets in
the system is
higher than (Queue set limit_)*(number of flowid).

Please, can you give me hints.


Arnaud Legout

Institut Eurecom               	Phone :
2229, route des Cretes         	Fax   :
BP 193                         	E-mail: [email protected]
06904 Sophia Antipolis cedex    Web   : http://www.eurecom.fr/~legout    