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Re: How to check if routes have changed


Thanks for the answer. Yes, I know this. I use this to compute some
routes based on application-specific metrics. But recomputing all
the routes every time is too expensive, so I need to know if
something changed since the last time. Is there any way to
query the simulator to see whether any route has changed?
If not, how can I modify ns to do that? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

>	you can dump the routing table: 
>	Simulator intsproc dump-routelogic-nh {}
>	Simulator intsproc dump-routelogic-distance {}
>	They can be found in ns-route.tcl
>	You can also ask the routelogic for the next-hop from one node to 
>another: $routelogic_ lookup $src $dst. The (Simulator) get-routelogic
>will return you the routelogic_.
>	Regards,
>	Tarik.
>> Hello all,
>> I need some way to check whether routes have changed. I have
>> been looking at the various RouteLogic, rtObject, rtPeer, etc.
>> objects and I am still not sure on how to do it. It doesn't
>> matter whether I do this from Tcl or from C++; all I need
>> to know is if the routing tables have changed since the
>> beginning of the simulation or since the last time I
>> checked it.
>> Please, anyone?
>> Regards,
>> G.
>> -- 
>> Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia
>> <[email protected]>
Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia
<[email protected]>