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Re: bug - tcp versus DV routing
> What are the necessary trivial additions to rtPeer? (Would you mind
> throwing me a diff?)
Sorry, I modified a lot in route-proto.tcl, so it will look very messy if
I show the diff to you. Here is some changes that I could remember:
in "init", do the following:
### rtPeer instproc init {add cls} {
rtPeer instproc init {addr port cls} {
$self next
$self instvar addr_ port_ metric_ rtpref_
set addr_ $addr
### Added by Liang Guo
set port_ $port
foreach dest [[Simulator instance] all-nodes-list] {
set metric_($dest) [$cls set INFINITY]
set rtpref_($dest) [$cls set preference_]
add the following code:
##### Modified by Liang Guo on 11/06/99, provide port information
rtPeer instproc port? {} {
$self instvar port_
return $port_
Agent/rtProto/DV instproc send-to-peer nbr {
$self instvar ns_ rtObject_ ifs_ peers_
### modifed by Liang Guo, 11/11/99, what if there's no peer on that end?
if { $peers_($nbr) == "" } {
You may need to do other modifications ( I don't remember them), but
I believe that the compiler will tell you where they are.
Guo, Liang.