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Problems running ns-2.1b6 1999-12-18 snapshot compiled with KCC(tcl error on eval of:)
Perhaps a bit off the main stream of ns-users but anyway.
After doing a little of this and that, I managed to compile ns and
friends on a sparc Ultra-5_10 running Solaris-7. However, when I try
to run ns, it fails...
ns: tcl error on eval of:
proc warn {msg} {
global warned_
if {![info exists warned_($msg)]} {
puts stderr "warning: $msg"
set warned_($msg) 1
if {[info commands debug] == ""} {
proc debug args {
warn {Script debugging disabled. Reconfigure with --with-tcldebug, and recompile.}
etc. I configured ns like this (with export CC=cc, and export CXX=KCC
./configure --with-tcl=/home/chj/ftp/NetSim/tcl8.0.5 --with-tk=/home/chj/ftp/NetSim/tk8.0.5 --with-otcl=/home/chj/ftp/NetSim/otcl-1.0a4 --with-tclcl=/home/chj/ftp/NetSim/tclcl-1.0b9-current --with-tcldebug=/home/chj/ftp/NetSim/tcl-debug-1.9 --verbose >& configure.log &
and the file configure.log is attached. Also the log of what ns says
when I try to start it, ns.log.gz.
If you have any comments, please e-mail me.