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request for suggestions

Respected sirs,

I (G.V.Anjaneyulu) am doing my M.Tech thesis work using ns simulator.
I have doubt that while TCL script file is ruunig how the related CC file
is invoking. I did not find any linkage in that script.
ex. when I run test-suite-sack1.tcl how test-suite-sack1.cc is executing
I read  manual, but i did not get point.

so kindly please give me suggestions
Thanking you sir
							yours sincerely

                      G. Veeranjaneyulu
                              M. Tech (computer science)
                      Room No. S-30,
                      Azad Bhawan,
                      University of Roorkee,
                      ROORKEE  -247 667.

                      E-mail : [email protected]