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Re: Questions about LAN
When using make-lan, the value of bw you are passing as a parameter will be the
value of the LAN's bw, no matter what mac you are using.
ifq_ is stored in class LanIface in turn stored in lanIface_; so you can do
something like:
set nif [$lan set lanIface_($node)]
set ifq [$nif set ifq_]
if you want to use 802.3 with bw values other than 10Mbps you should check with
the corresponding values of IEEE for backoffLimit, attemplimit, jamSize,
slotTime and interFrameGap. They will change for 100Mbps and 1000Mbps.
> X-Authentication-Warning: mash.CS.Berkeley.EDU: majrdomo set sender to
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> From: "Huiwen Li" <[email protected]>
> To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
> Subject: Questions about LAN
> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 12:20:11 -0800
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Hi,
> I have two questions about LAN:
> 1. How can I access ifq_ for one of the nodes on LAN? I want to monitor the
> ifq_.
> 2. If I want to use MAC/802_3, must I define the bandwidth to be 10Mbps?
> What if I want a lan with similar features to MAC/802_3 with bandwidth as
> 100Mbps?
> Hope to get some answers as soon as possible. Thanks!
> Huiwen
Tarik Alj
Place Bonaventure
900 De La Gauchetierre Ouest
Niveau C, Case Postale 644
Montreal, Qc, H5A 1C6