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Re: Attention to Ya Xu or Who can help me on NS
>Dear sir ,
>i have read your totourial about Ns entitled : NS Tutorial : mobile and
>wireless Network september 10th, 1999.
>in the page summary (2) it's mentioned that Ns can be used ti simulate
>Base station node to bridge wired domain and wireless domain.
>i have downloaded all the documenation about ns , i havent seen any detailed
>information about how to write a program using a bass station for bridgenig.
>i have also downloaded the CMU extension to ns documentaion . no mention for
>base station also.
Isn't this exactly what's covered in chapter X of the tutorial?
FOr additional examples,
grep for "basestation" or "BaseStation" through
~ns-2/tcl/ex and ~ns-2/tcl/test to find a couple.
-John Heidemann