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Re: project length assessment

On Tue, 8 Feb 2000, Aidan Williams wrote:

> Lloyd Wood wrote:
> > (Obgrumble: change a #define constant in a header file and I end up
> >  having to rebuild all of ns to make sure it gets changed properly;
> >  something of a disadvantage to #define constants. I think a lot of
> >  them would be better as bound variables instead.)
> > 
> Do a "make depend" in ~ns.

Thanks, yes - but that's still more of a change to ns than I would
like to make. With bound variables, I don't have to rebuild


'delete all your object files, will you? you're taking up too much
 disk space.'

> This will generate dependencies between your source files and
> the header files they depend on, and tack them onto your Makefile.
> Then when you do a plain "make", your header file timestamps will
> be checked too and any file depending on a changed header will be
> recompiled.
> regards
> 	aidan
> ____
> :wq!

<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>