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Re: NS doesn't write CBR and rtProtoDV events in the same simulation
Thanks to Cheng's effort. Since I have changed my route-proto.tcl a lot,
I couldn't remember which modification is necessary to make it work.
Just one more piece of code needs to be added into route-proto.tcl:
at line 650 add the following lines:
Agent/rtProto/DV instproc send-to-peer nbr {
$self instvar ns_ rtObject_ ifs_ peers_
### modifed by Liang Guo, 11/11/99, what if there's no peer on that end?
if { $peers_($nbr) == "" } {
##################### End ##########
This part is needed when only part of the network nodes are
using DV routing. In this case, some nodes may not be able
to find its peer in the other end.