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Re: to use more nodes
On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Fabio Pugini wrote:
> Hi everybody.
> while using a 150-nodes topology ns puts:
> "Number of nodes excedes node-field-size of 7 bits".
> I took a look in ns-lib but I can't realize what parameters have to be changed and where.
> Can anyone let me know what to do to use more than 128 nodes?
Just put
Node expandaddr
in your script after creating the instance of the simulator. If that
doesn't work, try $ns set-address-format expanded
Or just upgrade to ns 2.1b6, where this limitation no longer holds.
this has to be the number 3 or 4 FAQ question.
<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>