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installation error
These error message is generated while installing ns on Linux.
Please help me out with this.
cc -c -O -I./../generic -I. -DHAVE_GETCWD=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1
./../generic/tclPosixStr.c: In function `Tcl_ErrnoId':
./../generic/tclPosixStr.c:340: duplicate case value
./../generic/tclPosixStr.c:328: this is the first entry for that value
./../generic/tclPosixStr.c: In function `Tcl_ErrnoMsg':
./../generic/tclPosixStr.c:787: duplicate case value
./../generic/tclPosixStr.c:775: this is the first entry for that value
make: *** [tclPosixStr.o] Error 1