Eric Wong>
I am a student working on MPLS support for diffserv.
I wonder if it is possible to try out your simulator.
I am sorry, we did not implement diffserv feature yet.
Lloyd Wood <[email protected]> There's already an RSVP implementation
for ns.
Why reinvent the wheel?
Right, there is an RSVP implementation in NS.
But the implementation should be modified a lot for being used for
MPLS simulator,
since the RSVP in NS is nomad RSVP, not the extended one for MPLS.
We do not have plan to add RSVP-extension in near future.
Our primary concern is CR-LDP and traffic engineering.
But I hope some others should work on RSVP extension od MPLS simulator.
George Swallow <[email protected]> Does it support explicitly routed label switch paths?
Yes, our simulator has primitive functionality for explicitly routed
we defined primitives for defining a list of node though which the
ER-LSP is setup.
And all other questions are concerning on when the tool will be available.
I think the first version will be available in a month.
Thanks all of you for having interest our tool.