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[ns] ns_addr_t ?
Hi ns users,
I want to assing a value to the ip parameter of IP header (dst_) but he
generate a compiler error .my declaration is the following :
hdr_ip* hdrip = (hdr_ip*)pkt->access(off_ip_);
hdrip->dst_ = atoi(argv[2])
he generate the following error
no match for `ns_addr_t & = int'
How can I do That?
Thank you
Koubaa Anis
Organization : LORIA Nancy
Equipe : RESEDAS
Adresse : CU Haute Malgrange Vandeoeuvre Nancy Bloc C 528
Mail : [email protected]
Projet : Comparaison des Protocoles de cl�s de distribution de cl� de
groupe en utilisant NS