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Re: [ns] Multicast supported by BSs in Mobile IP
As far as I know, MobileNode in ns does not support multicast (only Node
does). You may need to make changes to enable multicast support.
> Hi everyone!
> I'm working in the implementation of a new IP Micromobility Protocol in ns2
> called mmp (multicast for mobility protocol).
> I'm facing several problems but the most important one is that a BS in
> Mobile IP doesn't support multicasting, so it can't belong to a group, it
> can't receive multicast packets and it can't forward these packets to a MH.
> I don't understand it because MIPBS is defined as MobileNode/MIPBS and the
> same for the MH MobileNode/MIPMH and a mobile node comes from node that
> supports multicasting if we define the node to do so.
> I would like to know where the problem is and how I can solve it, because at
> the moment this is my main issue and I can't keep on with my project until I
> find out the solution.
> I will really appreciate your help.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ana
> ________________________________
> Ana Delgado
> Centre for Telecommunications Research
> King's College London
> London England
> [email protected]
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