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Re: [ns] Tclcl problem ?

Thanks very much, folks,

So, it seems that using GNU compiler should solve the
problem on Solaris.  I will try it.

BTW, Haobo, you mean "g++" below (instead gcc which
should just handle C compilation) ?


--- John Heidemann <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> Yes, I am using Sun's CC.  So ns-2.1b6 was not
> >> validated for compilation on Sun Solaris 2.7 ?
> >
> >It is validated but you must use gcc instead of
> Sun's CC. I guesss the
> >main reason is that Sun's compiler is not cross
> platform but gcc is. 
> Also, "bool" is part of standard C++.
> Sun's CC (or whatever your particular verison of
> Sun's CC is)
> seems pretty out-of-date if I'd doesn't handle bool.
>    -John Heidemann

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