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Re: [ns] how can i resolve the problem?

Check the .c and .cc files under ~ns/gen/. If they are empty then you got
problem generating them. Check the make output to see why.

On Mon, 24 Apr 2000, Pan Ping wrote:

> When I almost finish compiling ns, problem appears:
> ns.exe:error: 2 unresolved externals
>      1. tclAppInit.o: error LNK2001:
>         unresolved external symbol 
>                 "class EmbeddedTcl et_ns_ptypes" (?et_ns_ptpes@@3VEmbeddedTcl@@A)
>      2. misc.o: error LNK2001:
>         unresolved external symbol _version_string
> Please tell me how to resolve the problem, thanks!