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[ns] Re: Help on doing MPLS Performance analysis....

(oh, the ns-users list must be back up, if the flood in my mailbox is
anything to go by...)

Why don't you try asking the ns-users' list?


_another_ MPLS simulator?


On Sat, 20 May 2000, B G Ramprasad Torati wrote:

> Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 10:23:13 +0530 (IST)
> From: B G Ramprasad Torati <ramp@sasi.com>
> To: ietf@ietf.org
> Cc: mpls@UU.NET
> Subject: Help on doing MPLS Performance analysis....
> Hi,
> I have simulated the LDP part of MPLS by extending netwrok simulator
> 2.(ns2.1b5). Now I want to do performance analasys using that.I know MPLS
> has several adavantages over normal IP forwarding paradigm. But I don't
> know exactly how to test this.So can anybody suggest what to do for doing
> this MPLS performance analasys. What I means here is what are all the
> things I have to test like packet loss,throughput,dealys etc, and how to
> do those tests. I want to know what numbers I have to set for the
> parameters like bandwidth, link dalay of links between two nodes while
> doing this performance analysis.
> Any help is graetly appreciated..
> Thanks and Regards,
> Ramp