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Re: [ns] Any problem with reset_rtx_timer() in tcp.cc ?
|void TcpAgent::reset_rtx_timer(int mild, int backoff)
| if (backoff)
| rtt_backoff();
| set_rtx_timer();
| if (!mild)
| t_seqno_ = highest_ack_ + 1;
| rtt_active_ = 0;
|This is one of the function in tcp.cc. I guess it backoff the rto using
|rtt_backoff(). Then re-calculate rto and set the retransmission timer
|using set_rtx_timer(). Then, calculate the timing of the segment being
|timed using rtt_active = 0.
|However, I read TCP/IP Illustrated and according to my understanding,
|the retransmission timer should be turned off in case of duplicate ack
|and reset with the exponentially-backoff rto in case of timeout.
As i understand, the RTT should not be updated on receipt of each
duplicate ACK and _Not_ turn off the retransmission timer. Thats
what this function is implementing. Hence, the cancel_rtx_timer(),
as you have mentioned below, should not be called. The variable 'mild'
is used so that when the reset_rtx_timer() is called on dupack_action,
as in Reno, 't_seqno_' should not be modified.
|Therefore, should be code be
| void TcpAgent::reset_rtx_timer(int mild, int backoff)
| if (backoff)
| rtt_backoff();
|if (mild)
| cancel_rtx_timer()
| set_rtx_timer();
| if (!mild)
| t_seqno_ = highest_ack_ + 1;
| rtt_active_ = 0;
If a retransmitted packet on Fast-Retransmit is lost, then it
would not be recovered, if the cancel_rtx_timer() is called.
Hope that helps,
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