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Re: [ns] TCP start time

can't you just mannualy store the start time of your tcp session in some
when you start it ?

Kun-chan Lan

> Dear All,
>         Is there any variable associated with a tcp source which keeps the
> time when a tcp session started so that I can use it in
>         Agent/TCP instproc done {} { }
> to find the tcp session's sojourn time.
> If such a variable does not exist, could anyone tell me where and how to
> define it.
> Thanks,
> --Arzad Alam
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Arzad Alam Kherani, PhD Student,         |e-mail:  [email protected]
> Network Engineering Lab, ERNET, ECE Dept,|   or [email protected]
> Indian Institute of Science (IISc),      |Phone (Lab):(+91)-80-360 0855
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