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Re: [ns] McastMonitor
I did a grep in ~ns/tcl/lib and it doesn't look like there is an instproc
ns to initiate McastMonitor
Kun-chan Lan
-----Original Message-----
From: mike lui <[email protected]>
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 9:39 AM
Subject: [ns] McastMonitor
>I''ve got a problem with class McastMonitor which I
>don't know how to solve. my script is.
>set mcastmonitor [$ns McastMonitor]
>$mcastmonitor set period_ 0.01
>$mcastmonitor trace-topo $n0 $groupAddr
>but it has a error message like this
>warning:using backward compatibility mode
>ns: unable to dispatch method McastMonitor
> while executing
>"ns McastMonitor"
> ("eval" body line 1)
> invoked from within
>"eval ns $args"
> (procedure "ns" line 3)
> invoked from within
>"ns McastMonitor"
> (file "mcast.tcl" line 113)
>can anyone help me?
>Mike Liu
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