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[ns] wireless "link" bandwidth and error model
Thanks for your help, lan, one more question,
how to get the bandwidth between a mobile node and basestation, how to set
And how to insert an error model to wireless link?
Huike (Victor) Li
Department of EEE
University of Melbourne
Victoria 3051
Tel: +61 3 9344 9201
Fax: +61 3 9344 9188
On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Kun-chan Lan wrote:
> >Thanks for your reply. But what is this router, say, I have two routers in
> >my simulation $router1 and $router2, how can I set to trace router1 and
> if you turn on "routerTrace" , ns will trace all the routing packet for
> every node
> please see examples in
> http://www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/ns/tutorial/index.html
> Kun-chan Lan