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RE: [ns] nam (1.0a8) on WinNT/98

Hi Christian

     until now i could not make it work , and i start the nam on windows 
manually .
the tcl_findlibrary is a procedure in  tcl/library/init.tcl ,but i could not 
find any relation between  nam/nam32 and init.tcl.
another thing  !! the object file which is availabe for nam,dll 
(tclWinInit.obj) is under directory of tcl/win/release ,which has notting to 
do with init.tcl.

good luck
A Emdadi

>===== Original Message From Christian Jönsson 
<[email protected]> =====
>Did you get it to work? Is there some sort of dllimport needed on 
>and where would one set it you think? I do suspect a dll init problem, 
strange that
>ns-2 works...
>> hi every body
>> Has anyone successfully build the current version of nam
>> (1.0a8) on WinNT/98? I have successfully compiled nam on Win NT , but when 
>> run the executable, I get the following error:
>> nam invalid command name "tcl_findLibrary"
>> your comments will be appreciated
>> thanks
>> ali emdadi