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[ns] Delay of telnet flows...

Can anybody tell me how to compute the delay of some flows in ns?
Currently, I have telnet and FTP in one link. I'd like to compute the
delay of telnet. Mean, highest of them. Is there any variable or some
function which get me these values in ns? Or somebody tell me where to
find some codes about that? I checked out mailing archives. Some of them
talked about delay. But I don't think I can make use of them. 

Many thanks.

  James(Minseok) Kwon                 http://www.cs.purdue.edu/~kwonm
  1398 Computer Science                     Phone:   (765) 464-2777(H)  
  Purdue University                                  (765) 494-5735(O)
  West Lafayette, IN 47907                  Email: [email protected]