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Re: [ns] Actual information sent through packets
try out Agent/Message
this sends actual text messages of upto 180 bytes......
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Will Shaver wrote:
> I'm trying to test a new multicast protocol, and part of that
> protocol is dynamic in that the client does different things (that then
> affect network traffic) depending on the packet information recieved. So
> basically I need to place actual useful data into the ns packets.
> I noticed that there is a A Protocol-Specific Packet Header section of
> the help docs, and was wondering if anyone has used that, or has
> developed a different way of sending actual information in the packets.
> (Not much per packet -- like only a few bytes.) And what is the method
> used for the client's picking them up and sorting them on the other
> side? Any help would be greatly appriciated. Any code samples can be
> sent directly to me if you don't want to spam the group too much. Thanks
> -Will