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Re: [ns] installation problems with ns-allinone-2.1b6

Apparently the linking failed because your compiler is missing a lib. Want to 
try using gcc instead of SUN's cc? 

>I am doing under SUN solaris 5.6.

>cc -c -O    -I./../generic -I.  -DUSEGETWD=1 -DNO_STRERROR=1
>-DTM_IN_SYS_TIME=1 -Dmode_t=int -Dpid_t=int -Dsize_t=unsigned
>-Duid_t=int -Dgid_t=int -DUSE_DIRENT2_H=1 -DNO_UNION_WAIT=1
>-DTCL_SHLIB_EXT=\".so\" ./../generic/panic.c
>/usr/ucb/cc:  language optional software package not installed
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `panic.o'
>tcl8.0.4 make failed! Exiting ...
>For problems with Tcl/Tk see http://www.scriptics.com

Tarik ...'s 2c.