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[ns] exec

I'm having some trouble with an exec command. The error is:


child killed: write on pipe with no readers
    while executing
"exec tac routertrace.tr | awk -f getrouterloss.awk - [expr [$ns now] -
.25] [$ns now] "
    (procedure "report" line 9)
    invoked from within


The tcl script is:

$ns flush-trace
set lossprint "$lossprint [exec tac routertrace.tr | awk -f
getrouterloss.awk - [expr [$ns now] - .25] [$ns now] ]"

The AWK script

  loss = 0
  mintime = ARGV[2]
  maxtime = ARGV[3]
  ARGC = 2

$1 == "d" && $2 > mintime && $2 < maxtime {loss+=1}
$2 < mintime {exit}
   print loss


The router trace file is a normal router trace file. Anyone have any