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Re: [ns] Installation problems with NS
shravan vallala wrote:
Yan Yu ([email protected])
posted this a while back, and it was sufficient to fix my copy of ns.
I believe this goes in my-endian.cc
You'll also probably have a problem with the utils.cc, which can be
fixed by downloading the latest snapshot (I used 20000712 a while back)
and moving over just that file. You'll probably want to use b6 though as
otherwise it is stable.
#include "my-endian.h"
/* rotates 2 bytes */
unsigned short swap2(u_2bytes In) {
u_2bytes Out;
((char*)&(Out))[0] = ((char*)&(In))[1];
((char*)&(Out))[1] = ((char*)&(In))[0];
return Out;
/* rotates 4 bytes */
u_4bytes rotate4(u_4bytes In) {
u_4bytes Out;
((u_2bytes*)&Out)[0] = swap2(((u_2bytes*)&In)[1]);
((u_2bytes*)&Out)[1] = swap2(((u_2bytes*)&In)[0]);
return Out;
/* detects endian-ness
* Note: will not work if sizeof(unsigned long)==1
int IsLittleEndian(void) {
static const unsigned long long_number = 1;
return *(const unsigned char *)&long_number;
/* changes endian-ness */
void ToOtherEndian(TEntry *e) {
/* unroll this loop if you want to enumerate u_4bytes members of
TEntry_v2 */
u_4bytes *p;
for (p = &(e -> head.event_duration); p <= &(e -> url); p++)
*p = rotate4(*p);
e -> tail.status = swap2(e -> tail.status);
if (sizeof(method_t) == 2)
e -> tail.method = (method_t) swap2(e -> tail.method);
if (sizeof(method_t) == 4)
e -> tail.method = (method_t) rotate4(e -> tail.method);
if (sizeof(protocol_t) == 2)
e -> tail.protocol = (protocol_t) swap2(e ->
if (sizeof(protocol_t) == 4)
e -> tail.protocol = (protocol_t) rotate4(e ->