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[ns] priqueue.cc bug and fix
If you feed _only_ routing protocols packets to the Interface
Queue implemented in class Priqueue, the recvHighPriority
function will make it behave like a LIFO queue.
I included thereafter the diffs of the changes I made to fix
that. (I work with ns-2.1b6 on a linux machine)
Robin Poss
< void recvHighPriorityZRP(Packet *, Handler *);
< //insert packet at front of queue,
< //BUT there might be several routing protocol packets
< //at the front of the queue already, and inserting
< //bluntly this one ahead of them would boil down to
< //implementing a LIFO queue, which we don't want.
< //so the packet is inserted at the end of
< //the routing protocol packet queue which might exist
< //at the front of the queue.
< recvHighPriority(p, h);
< break;
< recvHighPriorityZRP(p, h);
> recvHighPriority(p, h);
< // insert packet at front of queue
< {
< //robin
< //Packet gege;
> // insert packet at front of queue
> {//robin
> Packet gege;
< {
< Packet *to_drop = q_->lookup(q_->length()-1);
< q_->remove(to_drop);
< //gege=*to_drop;
< // stupid debug by robin @@@
< //if (sizeof(gege)==0)
< // printf("\nAIE!!!\n");
< drop(to_drop);
< }
< if (!blocked_) {
< /*
< * We're not blocked. Get a packet and send it on.
< * We perform an extra check because the queue
< * might drop the packet even if it was
< * previously empty! (e.g., RED can do this.)
< */
< p = deque();
< if (p != 0) {
< blocked_ = 1;
< target_->recv(p, &qh_);
< }
< }
< }
< void
< PriQueue::recvHighPriorityZRP(Packet *p, Handler *)
< // insert packet at front of queue, with caution (see priqueue.h)
< //-Robin
< {
< //first get the pointer on the last routing packet
< Packet* search_p = q_->head();
< if (!search_p)
< q_->enqueHead(p);
< else {
< Packet* last_rt_p = 0;
< bool end_of_queue_reached = 0;
< struct hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(search_p);
< while ((ch->ptype()==PT_ZRP) && (!end_of_queue_reached)) {
< if (!search_p->next_)
< end_of_queue_reached = 1;
< else {
< last_rt_p = search_p;
< search_p = search_p->next_;
< }
< }//of the while loop
< //2 mutually exclusive possibilities to get out of the previous
< //loop:
< //-either the end of the queue was reached, the queue was
< //composed of ZRP packets only: Insert packet at the end of it.
< //-or(exclusive as I said) last_rt_p is the pointer on the
< //last ZRP packet of the queue. Note that if the first packet of
< //the queue was not a ZRP packet, last_rt_p stays NULL and p
< //will be conveniently added at the head of the queue by
< //PacketQueue::add(p,last_rt_p) (i.e. PacketQueue::add(p,NULL)).
< if (end_of_queue_reached)
< q_->enque(p);
< else
< q_->add(p,last_rt_p);
< }
< if (q_->length() >= qlim_)
< {
< Packet *to_drop = q_->lookup(q_->length()-1);
< q_->remove(to_drop);
< drop(to_drop);
< }
< if (!blocked_) {
< /*
< * We're not blocked. Get a packet and send it on.
< * We perform an extra check because the queue
< * might drop the packet even if it was
< * previously empty! (e.g., RED can do this.)
< */
< p = deque();
< if (p != 0) {
< blocked_ = 1;
< target_->recv(p, &qh_);
< }
< }
> {
> Packet *to_drop = q_->lookup(q_->length()-1);
> q_->remove(to_drop);
> gege=*to_drop;
> if (sizeof(gege)==0)
> printf("\nAIE!!!\n");
> drop(to_drop);
> }
> if (!blocked_) {
> /*
> * We're not blocked. Get a packet and send it on.
> * We perform an extra check because the queue
> * might drop the packet even if it was
> * previously empty! (e.g., RED can do this.)
> */
> p = deque();
> if (p != 0) {
> blocked_ = 1;
> target_->recv(p, &qh_);
> }
> }
< /* Adds a packet, located after a given packet. Either could be 0.-ZRP */
< void add(Packet *, Packet *);
< /*
< * Adds packet pkt located after packet prev on the queue. Either p or prev
< * could be NULL. If prev is NULL then pkt must be added at the head of the queue.
< *-ZRP
< */
< void PacketQueue::add(Packet* pkt, Packet *prev) //XXX: screwy
< {
< if (pkt){
< if (!prev)
< PacketQueue::enqueHead(pkt) ;/* increments len_ internally */
< else {
< pkt->next_=prev->next_;
< prev->next_ = pkt;
< if (!pkt->next_)
< tail_ = pkt;
< ++len_;
< }
< }
< return;
< }
keywords: AORV TORA routing protocol inversed order DSR