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[ns] agents!

Hi all,

Is it possible to attach two agents to a single node and attach only
on of these agents to the agent of a destination node something like the
one shown below.

   ---------------------                 -------------------
        node 1          |               |      node 2
                        |               |        
        --     --       |               |        --
       |  |---|  |------|---------------|-------|  |
        --     --       |               |        --
     agent1   agent2    |               |       dest_agent
                        |               |
  ----------------------                 -------------------

agent1 and agent2 are agents are different types and they have different
sources attached to them.  I tried a configuration something like the
above and had trace-all on but the trace file had no data in it.  

The tcl script that does the connection is as below:

$ns connect $agent1 $agent2  
$ns connect $agent2 $dest_agent

Has anybody done this before.  Any suggestions, pointers will be helpful.



    Sowmya Manjanatha : University of New Hampshire
    Major             : Computer Science      

    email        : [email protected]

    Call me at   : (978)-689-8860 (res)
                   (603)-862-4626 (unh)
