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[ns] error while running ./install
i have downloaded the ns2.1b6 (allinone).
while i ran the install script i got this error..
rm -f embedded-tcl.cc
./tcl2c++ et_tcl ../tclbox/lib/tcl8.0/init.tcl
../tclbox/lib/tcl8.0/word.tcl ../tclbox/lib/tcl8.0/http2.0/http.tcl >
ld.so.1: ./tcl2c++: fatal: libstdc++.so.2.10.0: can't open file: errno=2
*** Error code 137
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `embedded-tcl.cc'
tclcl-1.0b9 make failed! Exiting ...
someone please tell me what is happening and what to do. without this if i
do a make clean and a make it fails to compile scheduler.cc .
thanks in advance