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[ns] Re: Same script but different results
Sorry I don't know enough about your code to make a judgement, and I'd
suggest that you go through your code more carefully to see if setting
those vars to 0 will get the result you want; since they didn't obviously
there's something wrong.
On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, George Khoury (ERA) wrote:
> Hi Haobo and all ns-users,
> I have a small question, I'm running 2 tcl-script, one of them is different from the other by some additional parameter, but when I put these additional parameter to 0(NULL) then the scripts should be exactly the same.
> I put the additional parameters to 0 and I run the 2 script to see if they give the same results but unfortunately sometimes the results are different. I'm using UDP and TCP sources with exponential traffic and I modified expoo.cc a bit, but I'm using the same expoo.cc for the two script. I have noticed that the results are different when I'm using large idle and burst time. I couldn't find any differences when the idle and burst time are small
> Large TCP idle/burst time= 260/295
> Large UDP idle/burst time= 70/70
> Small TCP idle/burst time= 5/5
> small UDP idle/burst time= 2/2
> The scripts are: prog2.tcl = prog1.tcl + the following lines:
> set TU-CELL 1
> set TU_OFFSET_ST 0.00577
> for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {set i [expr $i+1]}{
> if {$TU_CELL == 1} { ;#TU_CELL == 0, which means that we allways go to else
> set TU_OFFSET($i) [expr $i * $TU_OFFSET_ST]
> }else{
> set TU_OFFSET($i) 0
> }
> }
> As I mentioned I have add some more variables that I put to 0. The variables are:
> $eudp($k) set dtx_ 0
> $eudp($k) set tu_cell_ 0
> $eudp($k) set hd_comp_ 0
> I hope I made my self rather clear.
> Thanks in advance
> Best Regards George