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Re: [ns] ++ndatapack_ in TCPAgentVegas::output
On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Pablo Souki Mauricio Jiminez wrote:
> Here's the thing: We're running simulations on TCP
> variants, and up until friday everything was running
> smoothly. On friday, after we messed around with the
> tcp.cc file, all TCP Vegas simulations died. We
> reverted every change in tcp.cc, and nothing happened.
> The main thing we were doing was tracking the
> "ndatapack_" variable in TCPAgent. We finally figured
> out that in the Vegas simulations ndatapack_ was never
> being incremented. We inserted the line
> ++ndatapack_;
> in the TCPAgentVegas::output subroutine, and
> everything started working fine again. Does anyone
> understand what happened?
Yes. Read:
You want tcp-vegas.cc version 1.27; upgrade to a current snapshot.
<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>