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Re: [ns] wrong number of wnd_init_option 0

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, Pablo Souki Mauricio Jiminez wrote:

> When running a simulaton involving many nodes,
> TCP/Vegas Cries out: "wrong number of wnd_init_option
> 0". We know this variable is supossed to be one or
> two, so we don�t understand where that cero comes
> from.

I've seen this too. It's puzzling; seems to be a problem with delayed
binding of variables, since vegas is the only TCP derivative to call
delayed binding routines again. (This is assuming that having
increased initial windows in vegas makes sense and is intended.)

if you look in tcp.h, you'll see that vegas has its own protected
delay_bind methods for its own added variables. I bet this call in
vegas' delay_bind_dispatch() has something to do with that zero
cropping up:

return TcpAgent::delay_bind_dispatch(varName, localName, tracer);

tcp.cc's initial_window() says:

      else if (wnd_init_option_ == 2) {
                // do iw according to Internet draft
that comment should be RFC2414 these days, I think.


and wnd_init_option isn't called wnd_init_option_ in Tcl. Grmbl.

<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>