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Re: [ns] Sean Murphy diffserv examples ?
I'm using ns-2.1b6 and the latest version of the Sean Murphy diffserv
software "C038a"
A. toufik
Lloyd Wood wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, AHMED Toufik wrote:
> > first : when I'm trying to run Sean Murphy examples : dsexample1.tcl and
> > dsexample1.tcl I got this error :
> [..]
> > can't read "addr_": no such variable
> What version of Sean Murphy's code are you using? And with what
> version of ns?
> http://www.teltec.dcu.ie/%7Emurphys/ns-work/diffserv/download.html
> has different versions for different versions of ns.
> L.
> <[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>