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Re: [ns] NS development model
>I have been using NS for the last year, and I'm still confused about the
>way NS evolves. I would appreciate if you could shed some light on the
>subject. Who is currently responsible for the development as a whole? Is
>it a completely non-centralized model? Who maintains particular parts of
>the simulator? Additionally, who evaluates contributed modules (so
>they're added to the main distribution, included in the contributed
>modules page or simply rejected)? I think it would be very useful for
>the NS community to make these issues explicit. Thank you in advance.
Ns is currently maintained at ISI with contributions and active
involvement from many other people. I've just updated the text at the
top of the main web page that describes its status
For information about contributed code, please see our web pages,
specifically <http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-contribute-howto.html>.
I very much agree that the ns community should be aware of these
issues. If our web pages aren't clear about a particular aspect,
please let me know.
-John Heidemann