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Re: [ns] procedure-core dump
This is not an answer to your question but you may want to write shell
scripts to monitor bandwidth of each flows. Maybe that will easier.
On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Ken wrote:
> Hi, ns2-users,
> I want to measure the bandwidth of serveral flow every period of time,
> so I wrote the following script
> ############################################################################
> #################
> #for {set i 0} {$i <= 9} {incr i 1} {
> # set file [open $i.tr w]
> # $ns at [expr ($i+0.0000010)*10] "$ns trace-queue $n3 $n4 $file"
> # $ns at [expr ($i+0.9999950)*10] "close $file; puts stdout $i; measure
> $i.tr"
> #}
> ############################################################################
> #################
> the 'measure' will read for the file, and select the 'r' entry to calculate
> bandwidth,
> it worked since I have try for many times.
> ############################################################################
> #################
> #proc measure { file } {
> # global bandwidth1 bandwidth2
> # set f [open $file r]
> # set receive1 0; set receive2 0
> # while {[gets $f line]>=0} {
> # if {[lindex $line 0]=="r"} {
> # if {[lindex $line 7]=="1"} {
> # set receive1 [expr $receive1+[lindex $line 5]]
> # }
> # if {[lindex $line 7]=="2"} {
> # set receive2 [expr $receive2+[lindex $line 5]]
> # }
> # }
> # }
> # close $f
> # set bandwidth1 [expr $receive1*8/10]
> # set bandwidth2 [expr $receive2*8/10]
> # puts stdout "$bandwidth1 $bandwidth2"
> #}
> ############################################################################
> #################
> however, when I combine them, sometimes it worked.
> But sometimes not, especially when there are a lot of traffic and agents,
> if I add WFQ, this goes worse.
> The error messages are 1.Segmentation fault(core dump)
> 2.Tcl_write translation fault...
> Does the method go wrong or is this caused by slow CPU?
> Please give me any advise, thank you.
> Ken