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Re: [ns] How can I create a new object?
>Good morning.
>If :
>-I take the files tbf.cc and tbf.h and everywhere there is "tbf" I
>rewrite "ntbf" and I save these new files in ntbf.cc and ntbf.h, always
>in the directory ../ns-2.1b6
>-I modify the file makefile.in adding ntbf.o in the section OBJ_CC
>-I add the new default configuration of the parameter (rate_, bucket_,
>qlen_) in ns-default.tcl
>-I run ./configure --with-tk --with-tclcl=/root/../tclcl-1.0b9 --with-
>otcl=/root/../otcl-1.0a5 (I have problem with only ./configure)
>-I run make
>-And in a new program I call "set ntbf [new NTBF]" I can read:
>invalid command name "NTBF"
> while executing
>"NTBF create _o30 "
> invoked from within
>"catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
> (procedure "new" line 3)
> invoked from within
>"new NTBF"
>What can I do?
in ntbf.cc make sure you have the right syntax :
static class NTBFClass : public TclClass {
NTBFClass() : TclClass ("NTBF") {}
TclObject* create(int,const char*const*) {
return (new NTBF());