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Re: [ns] Error Model

rate_ is the rate at which you want to drop packets. ranvar_ shoudl point
to your own random variable is you wish to use your own. it may be a good
idea to check the manual. you will find more details there. 


On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, Agissilaos Ziotopoulos wrote:

> 				Hi all
>  I am trying to use a link in ns that will behave like the lossy-uniform
> link in ns v1(a link that drops packets with a constant probability p)
>  I am using the Error Model (ch 12 of the manual).Can anyone tell me what
> exactly represent the member variables "rate_" and "ranvar_"?
>  Assuming that I fix the link to drop a packet with constant probability ,
> how do I specify a queue which drops no packet(packets are droped before)?
> I am trying to use a DropTail with very large buffer.Will this work?
>  I am placing the error model before the queue.Is this right?
> 				Thanks
> 				 Ayis 
> --
> "Provability is a weaker notion than truth, no matter what axiom system is
> involved ... "
> Kurt Godel (1906-1978)