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[ns] Re:

It seems that you are trying to run nam on remote system (logged in via telnet
or rlogin etc.).

You need to specify to which machine remote system should send X Display
commands, you can use following commands:

If you use bash shell etc,

export DISPLAY=<ip address of your local machine>:0.0

or use

setenv DISPLAY   <ip address of your local machine>:0.0

if you use csh etc.

PS: If you get error "unable to connect to server ... " & your local system is
windows then you need to run xServer (say, MIX, Exceed, SuperX etc) on local
system or if your local system is Linux/Unix, use "xhost +" command first.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rachana JayRam" <rachana_jay@rediffmail.com>
To: "ns-users@ISI.edu" <ns-users@ISI.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 10:11 AM

I've installed ns-allione package. when i run the sample code, simple.tcl from
the ns-2.1b6, nam window is not opening. It gives the following error

running nam...
nam: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable

X-Windows server is used for the remote usage of the unix .
Can you please tell what this error means


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