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Re: [ns] ns-2.1b6 on Linux
On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Szabo Tibor wrote:
> I have installed ns-2.1b6 on a Linux system, and when trying to run a
> tcl script
what script? this matters.
> I receive the following:
> ns: _o37 unknown-flow 0 1 0: no value given for parameter "hashbucket" to
> "_o37"
> (_o37 unknown-flow line 1)
> invoked from within
> "_o37 unknown-flow 0 1 0"
> I have searched the word "hashbucket" in the code of ns, and it appears
> only twice, and what is more, both are commented.
that doesn't sound like the ~ns/tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl that I'm looking
> To make sure, I have
> deleted this commented lines and recompiled ns, but the same problem
> persists. Now I think that it's more than strange. Could anyone help me?
> Thanks in advance,
> Tibor
<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>