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Re: [ns] Fragementation and reassembly?
It depends on the IP adress you put in ip->daddr():
if you put 13, only 13 will get it, if it is within the radio
range. (all the other nodes in range will hear the packet at the
mac layer level) . The Mac protocol makes sure the packet
is received and understood by 13 if it is reachable.
if you put IP_BROADCAST (which
should be -1), every node in range will hear the packet. In
this case however, the packet is just sent on the air, and
reception by the other nodes is not guaranteed.
> Also, for transmission over a wireless interface, does an ns-mobile node
> or base-station-node broadcast the packets over the air interface, and
> only the nodes close enuf, and configured to receive the packet read it;
> or is the packet directly sent to the dest. node (ie in a point to point
> manner) ?
> I am using ns version 2.1b6, on linux.