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[ns] Queue size obtained by Flowmon & from RED not the same.
I set up a simple simulation using RED, by sending a TCP and a UDP flow thru' a
common link ( R2 -R3). ( TCP starts at 10 sec, UDP starts at 50sec) .I wrote a
proc to get the average and current queue szie in RED. At the same time I set
up a queue monitor too, to get the packet dropped and queue size as well.
After looking at the data from both monitors ... I found out that the current
queue size from RED and Queue Monitor sometimes doesn't match. Since they are
monitor the same link , it should match right???
The following is my code:
Simulator instproc get-link {node1 node2} {
$self instvar link_
set id1 [$node1 id]
set id2 [$node2 id]
return $link_($id1:$id2)
set l [$ns get-link $R2 $R3]
set qred [$l queue]
# write RED information
# linterm_ --> dropping pobability varies from 0 to 1/linterm_
# ave_ --> average queue size
# curq_ --> current queue size
# prob1_ --> dropping pobability
proc avgqueue {qred} {
global ns avg status redq
set maxpr [$qred set linterm_]
set egz [$qred set ave_]
set cur [$qred set curq_]
set prob [$qred set prob1_]
set curt [$ns now]
puts $redq [format "%9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f" $curt $egz $cur $prob $maxpr]
# set up queue monitor
set qlink [$ns link $R2 $R3]
set qmon [$qlink queue]
set qlnk [$ns monitor-queue $R2 $R3 $qmon]
# write queue size (link) to file
# format : Time; current queue size; packets dropped; packets arrived;
# packets departed.
proc lnkqueue {qlnk} {
global ns linkq status
set cur [$qlnk set pkts_]
set pdrop [$qlnk set pdrops_]
set parrv [$qlnk set parrivals_]
set pdep [$qlnk set pdepartures_]
set curt [$ns now]
puts $linkq [format "%9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f" $curt $cur $pdrop $parrv $pdep]
I have attached the data file (extract of where it all went wrong).