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[ns] Statistics
I'm doing a bibliographyque study about NS 2. I have installed
the programme and I have done differents simulations, but I dont know how
can I make a statistic output. The topology is simple, three nodes
with two links where the second link has less bandwith than the
first one. The second link will have losts paquets, but i dont know how
can I visualize them. If its possible, I dont want a statistics graph, I
prefer an output file like that:
Paquets send Paquets lost Ratio
Link 1: 1500 0 0% (0/1500)
Link 2: 1400 100 6.66% (100/1500)
Thanks for all and I think that you can help me.
Ruben Hernandez Gonzalez
[email protected]