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Re: [ns] selectively disabling modules
On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, Ratul Mahajan wrote:
> is there a provision in ns currently to disable certain modules
> selectively? if not, it seems as more non-core code (like diffserv, mpls
> ...) gets added to the distribution this feature would be very helpful to
> those who do not want to pay the cost (in terms of increased compilation
> time, and maybe running time) of this code they don't require.
If you're not exercising the code, it's no big deal. What is a big
deal is the addition of any headers the code needs to the standard
kitchen-sink packet. Create a lot of packets, and you have a lot of
unused memory sitting there. This can be selectively disabled in ns
2.1b7 thanks to some stuff haobo added in packet.h 1.79 and later.
We already have modularity, in that a lot of code extends the base
ns in various incompatible ways and is not interoperable. Being
able to extend ns is good; the nxn interaction matrix and all the
gaps in it are the price you pay.
<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>