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[ns] MPLS network simulator ( MNS )
Has anyone tried building MNS with ns-2.1b6 ?
Some background info --> MNS is an MPLS network
simulator available at www.raonet.com
The documentation says it should be built with ns-2.1b5.
I tried it with ns-2.1b6 and i get the following error
during 'make' of 'ns' :
classifier-addr-mpls.cc : in method void
MPLSAddressClassifier::GetIPInfo( Packet *, int &.... )
line 376 : 'struct ns_addr_t' used where a 'int' was
line 378 : no match for 'ns_addr_t & >> int &'
line 379 : no match for 'ns_addr_t & >> int &'
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
thanks and regards,
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